An expanding list of choices to select from.
The Select input is a component that allows users to pick a value from a set of predefined options. Ideally, it should be used when there are more than 5 options, otherwise it is recommended to use a radio group instead.
Use size property to set the size of select input.
Use label property to set the label.
Label tip
Use tip property to add a tooltip next to label.
Secondary label for input
Use secondaryLabel property to set the alternative label.
Long option label
Long label values would be truncated.
Use placeholder property to set the default placeholder for input.
Secondary label for option
Use SelectOption.secondaryLabel property to add a 2-nd label to the option.
Use SelectOption.description property to add aditional text describing option.
You can use a custom element for description.
Start icon of input and start icon of option
Use startIcon property to add an icon before the input label.
Use SelectOption.startIcon property to add an icon before the option label.
When an option with start icon is selected, this icon is displayed in place of
input's start icon.
All Visible Feature
Following is the example of a Select with all the UI features.
Use disabled to disable the select input.
Error Message
Use errorMessage property to add an error message below the select input.